ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating ADHD as an Adult: Finding Support and Thriving

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) isn't just a condition for kids; it's something that can stick with you into adulthood. If you're someone who feels like you're always juggling a million things at once or struggling to focus, you're not alone. Adults with ADHD face unique challenges, but the good news is, there's plenty of support out there to help you thrive.

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ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating the Challenges: Understanding ADHD in Adults

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often thought of as a condition that affects children, but did you know that it can persist into adulthood? That's right! Adults with ADHD face a unique set of struggles that can impact various aspects of their lives. Let's dive into some of the common challenges adults with ADHD encounter and how they can navigate them.

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Marie-Eve Michaud Marie-Eve Michaud

Important Update: Changes to Our Blog and Newsletter

We are excited to announce the launch of our new weekly newsletter, "Managing Mondays"! Starting next month, "Managing Mondays" will be delivered straight to your inbox every Monday morning, packed with tips, insights, and strategies to help you kickstart your week on the right foot…

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ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

Embracing Growth with ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) presents unique challenges in a world that often values focus and consistency. However, within the journey of managing ADHD lies a powerful narrative of growth, resilience, and potential. While ADHD may present obstacles, it also fosters distinct strengths and opportunities for personal development…

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Relationships, TBI Marie-Eve Michaud Relationships, TBI Marie-Eve Michaud

Embracing the Journey of a Relationship with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Love is a journey, and for some, that journey includes navigating the unique challenges of being in a relationship with a partner who has experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). While every relationship has its ups and downs, being in a partnership with someone who has faced the impact of a TBI requires an extra layer of understanding, patience, and resilience.

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ADHD Assessment, Relationships Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment, Relationships Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating the Maze of Romance with ADHD

Love, in all its forms, is a beautiful yet complex journey. When it comes to romance, individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) bring a unique perspective to the table. While ADHD can pose its own set of challenges, it also offers an opportunity for couples to build a relationship that is resilient, understanding, and filled with genuine connection.

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ADHD Assessment, Relationships Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment, Relationships Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating Relationships with ADHD: Embracing Challenges and Cultivating Connection

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present unique challenges in various aspects of life, and relationships are no exception. Navigating the intricacies of emotional connections while managing the symptoms of ADHD requires patience, understanding, and open communication from both partners.

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MCI Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud MCI Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

Nurturing Wellness: Creating Healthy Habits for Individuals with Neurodegenerative Diseases

Living with a neurodegenerative disease can be challenging, but cultivating healthy habits is a crucial aspect of managing the condition and enhancing overall well-being. These habits not only contribute to physical health but also support cognitive function, emotional resilience, and a better quality of life. Let's explore some practical strategies for individuals facing neurodegenerative diseases to build and maintain healthy habits.

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ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

Nurturing Healthy Habits: A Guide for Adults with ADHD in the New Year

As we usher in a new year, many of us embark on a journey of self-improvement, setting resolutions to foster positive change in our lives. For adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), establishing and maintaining healthy habits can be a transformative endeavor, enhancing overall well-being and daily functioning.

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Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating the Storm: Emotional Regulation Strategies for Adolescents with ADHD

Adolescence is a tumultuous time filled with rapid changes, self-discovery, and emotional highs and lows. For adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this journey can be even more challenging. Emotional regulation, the ability to manage and respond to emotions appropriately, is a crucial skill for all adolescents, but it takes on a special significance for those with ADHD. In this blog, we will explore the unique challenges faced by adolescents with ADHD and discuss effective strategies to help them navigate the storm of emotions.

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Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster: Practical Tips for Emotional Regulation in Adults with ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can feel like riding an emotional rollercoaster. The highs and lows of emotions can be intense and challenging to navigate. However, with the right strategies, adults with ADHD can learn to regulate their emotions more effectively, leading to a more stable and fulfilling life.

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Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud

Finding Balance Through Emotional Regulation

In the whirlwind of modern life, finding balance is a pursuit many of us are intimately familiar with. Juggling career, family, relationships, and personal growth often leaves us feeling like tightrope walkers on the edge of emotional overload. The quest for equilibrium can be elusive, but there is a powerful tool that can guide us towards a more harmonious life: emotional regulation.

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Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud Emotional Regulation Marie-Eve Michaud

Finding Balance and Managing Overwhelm

It's essential to recognize that achieving balance is not about doing everything at once but about making intentional choices and developing effective strategies to cope with the pressures of life. In this blog, we'll explore key techniques and tips to help you regain control, reduce stress, and create a more balanced and fulfilling life

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Brain Injury Evaluation Marie-Eve Michaud Brain Injury Evaluation Marie-Eve Michaud

Navigating the Chaos: A Guide to Organization and Overwhelm Prevention for Those with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) can present a unique set of challenges, and one of the most pervasive issues is the potential for overwhelming feelings and disorganization. Managing day-to-day tasks, appointments, and responsibilities can be a daunting task, but there are strategies to regain control and foster a sense of order amid chaos.

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ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

How To Manage Feeling Overwhelmed with ADHD

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be an intricate dance of managing daily tasks while navigating a mind that sometimes feels like a crowded freeway. Feeling overwhelmed is not uncommon, but there are strategies to regain control and find a balance that works for you.

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ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud ADHD Assessment Marie-Eve Michaud

How To Get Accommodations for Adult ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of adults worldwide. While it can bring unique strengths, it also presents challenges in the workplace. Fortunately, there are steps adults with ADHD can take to secure accommodations that promote productivity and well-being.

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